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Silent fish surveys: bubble-free diving highlights inaccuracies associated with SCUBA-based surveys in heavily fished areas | article
Lindfield SJ, Harvey ES, McIlwain JL, Halford AR (2014)
Methods Ecol Evol 5:1061-1069

A rapid photographic method detects depth gradient in coralligenous assemblages | article
Deter J, Descamp P, Boissery P, Ballesta L, Holon F (2012)
J Exp Mar Bio Ecol 418:75-82

The untethered remotely operated vehicle PICASSO-1 and its deployment from chartered dive vessels for deep sea surveys off Okinawa, Japan, and Ospr... | article
Lindsay DJ, Yoshida H, Uemura T, Yamamoto H, Ishibashi S, Nishikawa J, Reimer JD, Beaman RJ, Fitzpatrick R, Fujikura K (2012)
Mar Technol Soc J 46:20-32

Comparison of automated classification techniques for predicting benthic biological communities using hydroacoustics and video observations | article
Ierodiaconou D, Monk J, Rattray A, Laurenson L, Versace VL (2011)
Cont Shelf Res 31:S28-S38

Use of Mixed-gas Rebreathers to Access Fish Assemblages in Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (MCE) off La Parguera Shelf-Edge, Puerto Rico | chapter
Bejarano I, Nemeth M, Appeldoorn RS (2011)
in: (Gulf and Caribbean Fisheries Institute) by
Large-scale mapping and characterization of deep reef habitats in the US Caribbean | article
Armstrong RA, Singh H, Kunz C (2010)
Proc Gulf Caribb Fish Inst
Landscape video mosaic from a mesophotic coral reef | article
Gleason ACR, Gracias N, Lirman D, Gintert BE, Smith TB, Dick MC, Reid RP (2010)
Coral Reefs 29:253

Evaluation of image-based multibeam sonar backscatter classification for benthic habitat discrimination and mapping at Stanton Banks, UK | article
McGonigle C, Brown CJ, Quinn R, Grabowski J (2009)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 81:423-437

Widespread rocky reef occurrence in the central English Channel and the implications for predictive habitat mapping | article
Diesing M, Coggan R, Vanstaen K (2009)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 86:647-658

Marine benthic habitat mapping using Multibeam data, georeferencedvideo and image classification techniques in Victoria, Australia | article
Ierodiaconou D, Laurenson L, Burq S, Reston M (2007)
J Spat Sci 52:93-104

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