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Typhoon damage of large-scaled coral communities dominated by Acropora horrida (Dana, 1846) (Scleractinia: Acroporidae) in the mesophotic zone off ... | article Fujita Y, Kimura T, Shioiri A, Naruse T (2012) Biol Mag Okinawa 50:61-66
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Evidence of artisanal fishing impacts and depth refuge in assemblages of Fijian reef fish | article Goetze JS, Langlois TJ, Egli DP, Harvey ES (2011) Coral Reefs 30:507-517
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Phase shift to algal dominated communities at mesophotic depths associated with lionfish (Pterois volitans) invasion on a Bahamian coral reef | article Lesser MP, Slattery M (2011) Biol Invasions 13:1855-1868
A Quantitative, Non-Destructive Methodology for Habitat Characterisation and Benthic Monitoring at Offshore Renewable Energy Developments | article Sheehan EV, Stevens TF, Attrill MJ (2010) PLoS ONE 5:e14461
A survey of the reef fishes, purple hydrocoral (Stylaster californicus), and marine debris of Farnsworth Bank, Santa Catalina Island | article Love MS, Lenarz B, Snook L (2010) Bull Mar Sci 86:35-52
Resolving natural ranges and marine invasions in a globally distributed octocoral (genus Carijoa) | article Concepcion GT, Kahng SE, Crepeau MW, Franklin EC, Coles SL, Toonen RJ (2010) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 401:113-127