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Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems of Cuba | chapter
Reed JK, González-Díaz P, Voss JD, Busutil L, Diaz C, Pomponi SA, Farrington S, Cobián-Rojas D, David A, Martínez-Daranas B, Hanisak MD, González Mendez J, Sturm AB, González Sánchez PM, García Hernández MR, Viamontes Fernández J, Jiang M, Laverick JH, Zlatarski VN (2023)
in: Coral Reefs of the World (Springer) by Zlatarski VN, Reed JK, Pomponi SA, Brooke S, Farrington S,
Does depth divide? Variable genetic connectivity patterns among shallow and mesophotic Montastraea cavernosa coral populations across the Gulf of M... | article
Sturm AB, Eckert RJ, Carreiro AM, Klein AM, Studivan MS, Dodge Farelli D, Simões N, González‐Díaz P, González Méndez J, Voss JD (2023)
Ecol Evol 13:e10622

Characterization of culturable bacteria isolated from mesophotic reef sites in Cuba | article
Ortiz Guilarte E, Iglesias Rodríguez MV, Núñez Moreira RR, Caballero Barreto V, González Tamayo D, Lugioyo Gallardo GM (2021)
Rev. Mar. Cost. 13:9-26

Population genetic structure of the great star coral, Montastraea cavernosa, across the Cuban archipelago with comparisons between microsatellite a... | article
Sturm AB, Eckert RJ, Méndez JG, González-Díaz P, Voss JD (2020)
Sci Rep 10:1-15

Investigations on mesophotic coral ecosystems in Cuba (1970-1973) and Mexico (1983-1984) | article
Zlatarski V (2018)
CICIMAR Oceánides 33:27-43

Mesophotic sponges of the genus Callyspongia (Demospongiae, Haplosclerida) from Cuba, with the description of two new species | article
Busutil I, García-Hernández MR, Díaz MC, Pomponi SA (2018)
Zootaxa 4466:078–094

Reed JK, González-Díaz P, Busutil L, Farrington S, Daranas BM, Rojas DC, Voss J, Diaz C, David A, Hanisak DM, Mendez JG, Rodríguez AG, González- Sánchez PM, Fernández JV, Pérez DE, Studivan M, Drummond F, Jiang M, Pomponi SA (2018)
Are mesophotic coral ecosystems distinct communities and can they serve as refugia for shallow reefs? | article
Semmler RF, Hoot WC, Reaka ML (2017)
Coral Reefs 36:433–444

New locality, depth, and size records and species character modifications of some Caribbean deep-reef/shallow slope fishes and a new host and local... | article
Bunkley-Williams L, Williams EH (2004)
Caribb J Sci 40:88-119
Diversity and bathymetric distribution of lithistid sponges in the tropical western Atlantic region | article
Pomponi SA, Kelly M, Reed JK, Wright AE (2001)
Bull Biol Soc Wash 10:344-353
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