USA - Hawaii

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Habitat and reef-fish assemblages of banks in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands | article
Parrish FA, Boland RC (2004)
Mar Biol 144:1065-1073

Hawaiian Monk seals (Monachus schaunslandi) foraging in deepwater coral beds | article
Parrish FA, Abernathy K, Marshall GJ, Buhleier BM (2002)
Marine Mammal Science 18:244-58

Field comparison of open-circuit scuba to closed-circuit rebreathers for deep mixed-gas diving operations | article
Parrish FA, Pyle RL (2002)
Mar Technol Soc J 36:13-22

Identifying diurnal foraging habitat of endangered Hawaiian monk seals using a seal-mounted video camera | article
Parrish FA, Craig MP, Ragen TJ, Marshall GJ, Buhleier BM (2000)
Marine Mammal Science 16:392-412

Nursery habitat in relation to production of juvenile pink snapper, Pristipomoides filamentosus, in the Hawaiian Archipelago | article
Parrish FA, DeMartini EE, Ellis DM (1997)
Fish Bull 95:137-148
Barotrauma-associated regurgitation of food: Implications for diet studies of Hawaiian pink snapper, Pristipomoides filamentosus (family Lutjanidae) | article
DeMartini EE, Parrish FA, Ellis DM (1996)
Fish Bull 94:250-256
Habitat and life history of juvenile Hawaiian pink snapper, Pristipomoides filamentosus | article
Moffitt RB, Parrish FA (1996)
Pac Sci 50:371-381
Habitat thresholds and bottlenecks in production of the spiny lobster (Panulirus marginatus) in the Northwestern Hawaiian Islands | article
Parrish FA, Polovina JJ (1994)
Bull Mar Sci 54:151-163
First record of the chaetodontid genus Prognathodes from the Hawaiian Islands | article
Pyle RL, Chave EH (1994)
Pac Sci 48:90-93
Deep-sea benthic fish of the hawaiian Archipelago, Cross Seamount, and Johnston Atoll | article
Chave EH, Mundy BC (1994)
Pac Sci 48:367-409
[107 results] • Download as CSV
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