Viktor W Brandtneris

Viktor W Brandtneris

Center for Marine and Environmental Studies
University of the Virgin Islands  (Virgin Islands (U.S.))

Research interests

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Viktor was introduced to the ocean at a very young age by his grandfather who had a home in Grand Cayman from before his birth until just after his 18th birthday. It was there that Viktor became fascinated with coral reefs. He learned to SCUBA dive at the age of 12 with his mother. Diving is perhaps his favorite thing on earth and is the major reason behind his desire to work in the field of marine ecology. Viktor completed his Bachelor's degree at the University of Miami (RSMAS) in December, 2009. During his time there, he was fortunate enough to spend a considerable amount of time gaining field experience under numerous different projects. In 2008, he began volunteering for Dr. Peter Glynn helping to sort and weigh cryptic invertebrates in his laboratory. Viktor took the fall semester of his senior year (2008) off from classes and went to live and work on Contadora Island (Pacific Panamá) for 4.5 months with one of Dr. Glynn's students.


  Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs are indexed.

Seasonal variability in calorimetric energy content of two Caribbean mesophotic corals | article
Brandtneris VW, Brandt ME, Glynn PW, Gyory J, Smith TB (2016)
PLoS ONE 11:e0151953

Potential structuring forces on a shelf edge upper Mesophotic Coral Ecosystem in the US Virgin Islands | article
Smith TB, Brandtneris VW, Canals M, Brandt ME, Martens J, Brewer RS, Kadison E, Kammann M, Keller J, Holstein DM (2016)
Front Mar Sci 3:115

The United States Virgin Islands | chapter
Smith TB, Brandt ME, Brandtneris VW, Ennis RS, Groves SH, Habtes S, Holstein DM, Kadison E, Nemeth RS (2019)
in: Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems (Springer) by Loya Y, Puglise KA, Bridge TCL
Research keywords
Research summary (from publications)