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Environmental and biological drivers of white plague disease on shallow and mesophotic coral reefs | article
Chaves‐Fonnegra A, Panassiti B, Smith TB, Brown E, Clemens E, Sevier M, Brandt ME (2021)
Ecography 44:1071-1085

Predicting the distribution of threatened orbicellid corals in shallow and mesophotic reef ecosystems | article
Egan KE, Viehman TS, Holstein DM, Poti M, Groves SH, Smith TB (2021)
Mar Ecol Prog Ser 667:61-81

Mesophotic reef geomorphology categorization, habitat identification, and relationships with surface cover and terrace formation in the Gulf of Aqaba | article
Weinstein DK, Tamir R, Kramer N, Eyal G, Berenshtein I, Shaked Y, Loya Y, Torfstein A (2021)

Epifaunal habitat associations on mixed and hard bottom substrates in coastal waters of northern Norway | article
Dunlop K, Harendza A, Plassen L, Keeley N (2020)
Front Mar Sci 7:568802

Comparing mesophotic and shallow reef assemblages in the'Au'au Channel: fish size, feeding guild composition, species richness, and endemism | article
Boland RC, Hyrenbach KD, DeMartini EE, Parrish FA, Rooney JJ (2020)
Bull Mar Sci 96:577-591

Temperate rocky reef on the southeast Australian continental shelf | chapter
Ingleton T, Neilson J, Davies P, Foulsham E, Linklater M, Hanslow D, Jordan A (2020)
in: Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats (Elsevier) by Harris PT, Baker E

Inner shelf habitat surrounding the Kapiti Marine Reserve, New Zealand | chapter
Lamarche G, Laferriere A, Geange S, Gardner J, Pallentin A (2020)
in: Seafloor Geomorphology as Benthic Habitat: GeoHab Atlas of Seafloor Geomorphic Features and Benthic Habitats (Elsevier) by Harris PT, Baker E
Highly diverse mesophotic reef fish communities in Raja Ampat, West Papua | article
Andradi-Brown DA, Beer AJE, Colin L, Hastuti, Head CEI, Hidayat NI, Lindfield SJ, Mitchell CR, Pada DN, Piesinger NM, Purwanto, Ahmadia GN (2020)
Coral Reefs 40:111-130

Coral Morphology Portrays the Spatial Distribution and Population Size-Structure Along a 5–100 m Depth Gradient | article
Kramer N, Tamir R, Eyal G, Loya Y (2020)
Front Mar Sci

Megabenthos and benthopelagic fishes on Southeast Atlantic seamounts | article
Bergstad OA, Gil M, Høines ÅS, Sarralde R, Maletzky E, Mostarda E, Singh L, António MA, Ramil F, Clerkin P, Campanis G (2019)
African Journal of Marine Science 41:29-50

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