From the shallow to the mesophotic: a characterization of Symbiodiniaceae diversity in the Red Sea NEOM region | article Terraneo TI, Ouhssain M, Castano CB, Aranda M, Hume BC, Marchese F, Vimercati S, Chimienti G, Eweida AA, Voolstra CR, Jones BH (2023) Front Mar Sci 10:1077805
Plastic pollution on the world’s coral reefs | article Pinheiro HT, MacDonald C, Santos RG, Ali R, Bobat A, Cresswell BJ, Francini-Filho R, Freitas R, Galbraith GF, Musembi P, Phelps TA, Quimbayo JP, Quiros TEAL, Shepherd B, Stefanoudis PV, Talma S, Teixeira JB, Woodall LC, Rocha LA (2023) Nature 619:311-316
Global phylogenomic assessment of Leptoseris and Agaricia reveals substantial undescribed diversity at mesophotic depths | article Gijsbers JC, Englebert N, Prata KE, Pichon M, Dinesen Z, Dinesen Z, Brunner R, Eyal G, González-Zapata FL, Kahng SE, Latijnhouwers KR, Muir P (2023) BMC Biology 21:147
A comparison of mesophotic and shallow sponge holobionts resilience to predicted future temperature elevation | article Raijman-Nagar L, Goren L, Shefer S, Moskovich R, Li Z, Ilan M (2023) Front Mar Sci 10:1161648
A Red Sea depth record of the coral-dwelling crab Opecarcinus (Decapoda: Cryptochiridae) in the mesophotic zone | article Vimercati S, van der Meij SET, Terraneo TI, Chimienti G, Marchese F, Eweida AA, Purkis SJ, Rodrigue M, Benzoni F (2023) Diversity 15:723
High megabenthic complexity and vulnerability of a mesophotic rocky shoal support its inclusion in a Mediterranean MPA | article Enrichetti F, Bavestrello G, Cappanera V, Mariotti M, Massa F, Merotto L, Povero P, Rigo I, Toma M, Tunesi L, Vassallo P, Venturini S, Bo M (2023) Diversity 15:933
An annotated and illustrated identification guide to common mesophotic reef sponges (Porifera, Demospongiae, Hexactinellida, and Homoscleromorpha) ... | article Díaz MC, Nuttall M, Pomponi SA, Rützler K, Klontz S, Adams C, Hickerson EL, Schmahl GP (2023) Zookeys 1161:1-68
Mesophotic foraminiferal-algal nodules play a role in the Red Sea carbonate budget | article Bracchi VA, Purkis SJ, Marchese F, Nolan MKB, Terraneo TI, Vimercati S, Chimienti G, Rodrigue M, Eweida A, Benzoni F (2023) Commun. Earth Environ. 4:288
Quantifying sponge communities from shallow to mesophotic depths using orthorectified imagery | article Lesser MP, Slattery M, Macartney KJ (2023) Mar Biol 170:1-10
Possible population growth of Astrospartus mediterraneus (Risso, 1826) (Ophiuroidea, Gorgonocephalidae) in the Mediterranean Sea | article Canessa M, Betti F, Bo M, Enrichetti F, Toma M, Bavestrello G (2023) Diversity 15:122