Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)

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Habitat value of subsea wells and pipelines for fishery target species in Australia | article
McLean D, Speed CW, Birt MJ, Colquhoun J, Case M, Stowar M, Bond T, Ierodiaconou D, Whitmarsh SK, Taylor MD, Wines S (2022)
Front Mar Sci 9:960496

Mapping ecological units in mesophotic coral ecosystems of San Andrés Island (Southwestern Caribbean) | article
Mejía-Quintero K, Cedeño-Posso C, Millán S, Chasqui L (2022)
Diversity 14:679

Structure-from-motion photogrammetry demonstrates that fine-scale seascape heterogeneity is essential in shaping mesophotic fish assemblages | article
Swanborn DJB, Swanborn DJB, Stefanoudis PV, Huvenne VAI, Pittman SJ, Woodall LC (2022)
Remote Sens Ecol Conserv 8:904-920

five new species of black coral (anthozoa; antipatharia) from the great barrier reef and coral sea, australia | article
Horowitz J, Opresko D, Molodtsova TN, Beaman RJ, Cowman PF, Bridge TCL (2022)
Zootaxa 5213:1-35

Environmental status and geomorphological characterisation of seven black coral forests on the sardinian continental shelf (NW Mediterranean Sea) | article
Moccia D, Carugati L, Follesa MC, Cannas R, Carbonara P, Pusceddu A, Cau A (2022)
biology 11:732

The complete mitochondrial genome of Dendrophyllia minuscula (Cnidaria: Scleractinia) from the NEOM region of the Northern Red Sea | article
Terraneo TI, Arrigoni R, Marchese F, Chimienti G, Eweida AA, Rodrigue M, Benzoni F (2022)
Mitochondrial DNA Part B 7:848-850

Isolation of an extract from the soft coral symbiotic microorganism Salinispora arenicola exerting cytoprotective and anti-aging effects | article
Louka XP, Sklirou AD, Le Goff G, Lopes P, Papanagnou ED, Manola MS, Benayahu Y, Ouazzani J, Trougakos IP (2022)
Curr Issues Mol Biol 44:14-30

Comprehensive spatial distribution of tropical fish assemblages from multifrequency acoustics and video fulfils the island mass effect framework | article
Salvetat J, Bez N, Habasque J, Lebourges-Dhaussy A, Lopes C, Roudaut G, Simier M, Travassos P, Vargas G, Bertrand A (2022)
Sci Rep 12:8787

Neospongodes atlantica, a potential case of an early biological introduction in the Southwestern Atlantic | article
Cordeiro RTS, Carpinelli ÁN, Francini-Filho RB, Neves BM, Pérez CD, de Oliveira U, Sumida P, Maranhão H, Monteiro LHU, Carneiro P, Kitahara MV (2022)
PeerJ 10:e14347

Octocorals in the Gulf of Aqaba exhibit high photosymbiont fidelity | article
Liberman R, Benayahu Y, Huchon D. (2022)
Front Microbiol

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