Remotely Operated Vehicle (ROV)

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Facies created by the yellow coral Dendrophyllia cornigera (Lamarck, 1816): Origin, substrate preferences and habitat complexity | article
Enrichetti F, Toma M, Bavestrello G, Betti F, Giusti M, Canese S, Moccia D, Quarta G, Calcagnile L, Andaloro F, Greco S, Bo M (2023)
Deep Sea Res Part 1 Oceanogr Res Pap 195:104000

Levels of autotrophy and heterotrophy in mesophotic corals near the end photic zone | article
Carmignani A, Radice VZ, McMahon KM, Holman AI, Miller K, Grice K, Richards Z (2023)
Front Mar Sci

Marine heat waves drive bleaching and necrosis of temperate sponges | article
Bell JJ, Smith RO, Micaroni V, Strano F, Balemi CA, Caiger PE, Miller KI, Spyksma AJ, Shears NT (2023)
Curr Biol 33:158-63

Anchor scour from shipping and the defaunation of rocky reefs: A quantitative assessment | article
Broad A, Rees M, Knott N, Swadling D, Hammond M, Ingleton T, Morris B, Davis AR (2023)
Science of The Total Environment 863:160717

Trait-based approaches reveal that deep reef ecosystems in the Western Indian Ocean are functionally distinct | article
Stefanoudis PV, Fassbender N, Samimi-Namin K, Adam PA, Ebrahim A, Harlay J, Koester A, Samoilys M, Sims H, Swanborn D, Swanborn D, Talma S, Winter S, Woodall L (2023)
Science of The Total Environment

Deepest observation of the butterflyfish Coradion altivelis (Perciformes: Chaetodontidae) in Japan | article
Sinniger F, Akamatsu T, Harii S (2022)
Galaxea, J Coral Reef Stud 24:39-40

Mesophotic depth biogenic accumulations (“biogenic mounds”) offshore the Maltese Islands, Central Mediterranean Sea | article
Bialik OM, Varzi AG, Durán R, Le Bas T, Gauci A, Savini A, Micallef A (2022)
Front Mar Sci 9:803687

Ecological role and phylogenetic position of a new habitat-forming species (Canalipalpata, Sabellidae) from the Mediterranean mesophotic soft bottoms | article
Enrichetti F, Baldrighi E, Bavestrello G, Betti F, Canese S, Costa A, del Pasqua M, Giangrande A, Langeneck J, Misic C, Putignano M, Toma M, Bo M (2022)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 265:107737

Polychaetes (Annelida, Polychaeta) associated with Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in Puerto Rico and the U.S. Virgin Islands | article
Laverde-Castillo JA, Alfaro M, Weil E, Schizas NV (2022)
Caribb J Sci 52:82-107

Baited remote underwater video sample less site attached fish species along a subsea pipeline compared to a remotely operated vehicle | article
Bond T, McLean DL, Prince J, Taylor MD, Partridge JC (2022)
Mar Freshw Res 73:915-930

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