Reef fish community biomass and trophic structure changes across shallow to upper-mesophotic reefs in the Mesoamerican Barrier Reef, Caribbean | article Andradi-Brown DA, Gress E, Wright G, Exton DA, Rogers AD (2016) PLoS ONE 11:e0156641
4 occurrence(s)
Wariness of reef fish to passive diver presence with varying dive gear type across a coral reef depth gradient | article Andradi-Brown DA, Gress E, Laverick JH, Monfared MAA, Rogers AD, Exton DA (2017) J Mar Biol Assoc UK
2 occurrence(s)
Reef habitats and associated sessile-benthic and fish assemblages across a euphotic-mesophotic depth gradient in Isla Desecheo, Puerto Rico | article Garcia-Sais JR (2010) Coral Reefs 29:277-288
2 occurrence(s)
Allelopathy in the tropical alga Lobophora variegata (Phaeophyceae): mechanistic basis for a phase shift on mesophotic coral reefs? | article Slattery M, Lesser MP (2014) J Phycol 50:493-505
2 occurrence(s)
Characterization of benthic habitats and associated reef communities at Bajo de Sico Seamount, Mona Passage, Puerto Rico | report Garcia-Sais JR, Castro R, Sabater-Clavell J, Carlo M, Esteves R (2007)
2 occurrence(s)
Fish assemblages associated with red grouper pits at Pulley Ridge, a mesophotic reef in the Gulf of Mexico | article Harter SL, Moe H, Reed JK, David AW (2017) Fish Bull 115:419-432
1 occurrence(s)
Native fish community structure and Indo-Pacific lionfish Pterois volitans densities along a depth-temperature gradient in Onslow Bay, North Caroli... | article Whitfield PE, Muñoz RC, Buckel CA, Degan BP, Freshwater DW, Hare JA (2014) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 509:241-254
1 occurrence(s)
Conventional and technical diving surveys reveal elevated biomass and differing fish community composition from shallow and upper mesophotic zones ... | article Muñoz RC, Buckel CA, Whitfield PE, Viehman S, Clark R, Taylor JC, Degan BP, Hickerson EL (2017) PLoS ONE 12:e0188598
1 occurrence(s)
The shore fishes of the Trindade–Martin Vaz insular complex: an update | article Simon T, Macieira R, Joyeux J (2013) J Fish Biol 82:2113-2127
1 occurrence(s)
A comparison of fish community structure at mesophotic artificial reefs and natural banks in the western Gulf of Mexico | article Streich MK, Ajemian MJ, Wetz JJ, Stunz GW (2017) Mar Coast Fish 9:170-189
1 occurrence(s)