The Zonation of West Indian Gorgonians | article Kinzie III RA (1973) Bull Mar Sci 23:93-155
15 occurrence(s)
Morphology and marine habitats of two southwestern Caribbean atolls: Albuquerque and Courtown | article Diaz JM, Sanchez JA, Zea S, Garzon-Ferreira J (1996) Atoll Res Bull 435:1-35
4 occurrence(s)
The ecology of the coral-octocoral communities off the southeast Florida coast: geomorphology, species composition, and zonation | article Goldberg WM (1973) Bull Mar Sci 23:465-488
4 occurrence(s)
Resource partitioning by reef corals as determined from stable isotope composition. I. d13C of zooxanthellae and animal tissue vs depth | article Muscatine L, Porter JW, Kaplan IR (1989) Mar Biol 100:185-193
4 occurrence(s)
Bleaching and recovery of deep-water, reef-dwelling invertebrates in the Cayman Islands, BWI | article Ghiold J, Smith SH (1990) Caribb J Sci 261:52-61
2 occurrence(s)
CUBA’S MESOPHOTIC CORAL REEFS AND ASSOCIATED FISH COMMUNITIES | article Reed JK, González-Díaz P, Busutil L, Farrington S, Daranas BM, Rojas DC, Voss J, Diaz C, David A, Hanisak DM, Mendez JG, Rodríguez AG, González- Sánchez PM, Fernández JV, Pérez DE, Studivan M, Drummond F, Jiang M, Pomponi SA (2018) REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES MARINAS 38:60-129
2 occurrence(s)
Using light-dependent scleractinia to define the upper boundary of mesophotic coral ecosystems on the reefs of Utila, Honduras | article Laverick JH, Andradi-Brown DA, Rogers AD (2017) PLoS ONE 12:e0183075
1 occurrence(s)
Growth rates of seven species of scleractinean corals from Cane Bay and Salt River, St. Croix, USVI | article Hubbard DK, Scaturo D (1985) Bull Mar Sci 36:325-338
1 occurrence(s)
Scleractinian coral recruitment patterns at Salt River submarine canyon, St. Croix, U.S. Virgin Islands | article Rogers CS, Fitz III HC, Gilnack M, Beets J, Hardin J (1984) Coral Reefs 3:69-76
1 occurrence(s)
In situ growth rates of the scleractinian coral Oculina Varicosa occurring with zooxanthellae on 6-M reefs and without on 80-M banks | article Reed JK (1981) Proc 4th Int Coral Reef Symp 2:201-206
1 occurrence(s)