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Geomorphology and benthic cover of mesophotic coral ecosystems of the upper insular slope of southwest Puerto Rico | article
Sherman C, Nemeth M, Ruíz H, Bejarano I, Appeldoorn R, Pagán F, Schärer M, Weil E (2010)
Coral Reefs 29:347-360

Evaluation of image-based multibeam sonar backscatter classification for benthic habitat discrimination and mapping at Stanton Banks, UK | article
McGonigle C, Brown CJ, Quinn R, Grabowski J (2009)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 81:423-437

Widespread rocky reef occurrence in the central English Channel and the implications for predictive habitat mapping | article
Diesing M, Coggan R, Vanstaen K (2009)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 86:647-658

Photogrammetric quantitative study of habitat and benthic communities of deep Cantabrian Sea hard grounds | article
Sánchez F, Serrano A, Ballesteros MG. (2009)
Continental Shelf Research 29:1174-1188

Neritic carbonate for six submerged coral reefs from northern Australia: Implications for Holocene global carbon dioxide | article
Heap AD, Harris PT, Fountain L (2009)
Palaeogeogr Palaeoclimatol Palaeoecol 283:77-90

Monitoring coral reefs in optically-deep waters | article
Armstrong RA, Singh H, Rivero S, Gilbes F (2008)
Proc 11th Int Coral Reef Symp Session number: 17:593-597
A new coral reef province in the Gulf of Carpentaria, Australia: Colonisation, growth and submergence during the early Holocene | article
Harris PT, Heap AD, Marshall JF, McCulloch M (2008)
Mar Geol 251:85-97

From corals to canyons: The Great Barrier Reef Margin | article
Webster JM, Beaman RJ, Bridge T, Davies PJ, Byrne M, Williams S, Manning P, Pizarro O, Thornborough K, Woolsey E, Thomas A, Tudhope S (2008)
Eos Trans A G U 89:217-218

Coral reef growth on the shelf margin of the Great Barrier Reef with special reference to the Pompey Complex | article
Hopley D (2006)
Journal of Coastal Research 22:150-158

Habitat and fauna of deep-water Lophelia pertusa coral reefs off the southeastern U.S.: Blake plateau, Straits of Florida, and Gulf of Mexico | article
Reed JK, Weaver DC, Pomponi SA (2006)
Bull Mar Sci 78:343-375
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