Long-term monitoring

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A depth refugium from catastrophic coral bleaching prevents regional extinction | article
Smith TB, Glynn PW, Maté JL, Toth LT, Gyory J (2014)
Ecology 95:1663-1673

Fishes associated with mesophotic coral ecosystems in La Parguera, Puerto Rico | article
Bejarano I, Appeldoorn MN (2014)
Coral Reefs 33:313-328

Seasonal Mesophotic Coral Bleaching of Stylophora pistillata in the Northern Red Sea | article
Nir O, Gruber DF, Shemesh E, Glasser E, Tchernov D (2014)
PLoS ONE 9:e84968

Mesophotic bioerosion: Variability and structural impact on US Virgin Island deep reefs | article
Weinstein DK, Smith TB, Klaus JS (2014)
Geomorphology 222:14-24

Growth rate for a zooxanthellate coral (Leptoseris hawaiiensis) at 90 m | article
Kahng SE (2013)
Galaxea, J Coral Reef Stud 15:39-40

Cyclone damage at mesophotic depths on Myrmidon Reef (GBR) | article
Bongaerts P, Muir P, Englebert N, Bridge TCL, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2013)
Coral Reefs 32:935

Reproductive cycle and trophic ecology in deep versus shallow populations of the Mediterranean gorgonian Eunicella singularis (Cap de Creus, northw... | article
Gori A, Viladrich N, Gili JM, Kotta M, Cucio C, Magni L, Bramanti L, Rossi S (2012)
Coral Reefs 31:823-837

The United States Virgin Islands Territorial Coral Reef Monitoring Program: Year 11 Annual Report | report
Smith TB, Kadison E, Henderson L, Brandt ME, Gyory J, Kammann M, Wright V, Nemeth RS (2011)
The United States Virgin Islands Territorial Coral Reef Monitoring Program
Niche specialization of reef-building corals in the mesophotic zone: metabolic trade-offs between divergent Symbiodinium types | article
Cooper TF, Ulstrup KE, Dandan SS, Heyward AJ, Kühl M, Muirhead A, O'Leary RA, Ziersen BEF, Van Oppen MJH (2011)
Proc Biol Sci 278:1840-1850

Spatial variability of epifaunal communities from artificial habitat: Shipwrecks in the Southern Bight of the North Sea | article
Zintzen V, Norro A, Massin C, Mallefet J (2008)
Estuar Coast Shelf Sci 76:327-344

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