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Dr. Kline is a coral reef ecologist specializing in climate change impacts to reefs and coral disease. He completed his PhD at the Scripps Institute of Oceanography in 2005 and was then a postdoctoral research at the Smithsonian Tropical Research Institute in Panama studying coral disease. He is presently a postdoctoral fellow in the Coral Reef Ecosystems Laboratory at the Global Change Institute, The University of Queensland. His current research examines the impacts of ocean acidification and warming on the future of the Great Barrier Reef. David is an avid diver and photographer and has recently become involved in mesophotic coral reef research.
Please note that only publications relevant to mesophotic reefs are indexed.
Mesophotic coral ecosystems on the walls of Coral Sea atolls | article Bongaerts P, Bridge TCL, Kline DI, Muir PR, Wallace CC, Beaman RJ, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2011) Coral Reefs 30:335 |
The spectral quality of light is a key driver of photosynthesis and photoadaptation in Stylophora pistillata colonies from different depths in the ... | article Mass T, Kline DI, Roopin M, Veal CJ, Cohen S, Iluz D, Levy O (2010) J Exp Biol 213:4084-4091 |