Yannis Papastamatiou

Yannis Papastamatiou

Biological Sciences

Research interests

AboutI am an assistant professor at Florida International University, broadly interested in the behaviour and physiology of fishes. While I use a variety of tools, I particularly like novel electronic tags that can more directly tell us what an animal is doing in the wild. While we are getting increasingly good at being able to tell where animals are going, we know a lot less about what animals are doing or why they are doing it. In other words, why is the animal making the movements/migrations that we see? The majority of my research has been with sharks but I also work with other fishes and reptiles. Being able to answer these questions is a critical step in conservation: if we know what factors drive patterns of movement then we can quickly and accurately predict what sort of areas animals will use (e.g. within Marine Protected Areas).

Research keywords
Research platform experience
  Acoustic Telemetry
  Baited Remote Underwater Video (BRUV)
Photographs (of Yannis Papastamatiou)

Research summary (from publications)