
[189 results] • Download as CSV

assembly rules of coral reef fish communities along the depth gradient | article
Pinheiro HT, MacDonald C, Quimbayo JP, Shepherd B, Phelps TA, Loss AC, Teixeira JB, Rocha LA (2023)
Curr Biol 33:1421-1430

New record of the Bluntnose scorpionfish, Neomerinthe erostris (Alcock 1896) (Teleostei: Scorpaenidae) from Mayotte, southwestern Indian Ocean | article
Fricke R, Mulochau T, Barathieu G (2023)
West Ind Oc J Mar Sci 22:25-29

Black coral forests enhance taxonomic and functional distinctiveness of mesophotic fishes in an oceanic island: implications for biodiversity conse... | article
Bosch NE, Espino F, Tuya F, Haroun R, Bramanti L, Otero-Ferrer F. (2023)
Sci Rep 13:4963

Low vulnerability of the Mediterranean antipatharian Antipathella subpinnata (Ellis & Solander, 1786) to ocean warming | article
Godefroid M , Zeimes T, Bramanti L, Romans P, Bo M, Toma M, Danis B, Dubois P, Guillaumot C (2023)
Ecol Model 475:110209

Cryptic diversity in the genus Croisettea (Kallymeniaceae, Rhodophyta) from Hawaiian mesophotic reefs | article
Cabrera FP, Huisman JM, Spalding HL, Kosaki RK, Smith CM, Sherwood AR (2022)
Phycologia 61:572-583

Phylogeography of mesophotic coral ecosystems: squirrelfish and soldierfish (Holocentriformes: Holocentridae) | article
Copus JM, Walsh CAJ, Hoban ML, Lee AM, Pyle RL, Kosaki RK, Toonen RJ, Bowen BW (2022)
Diversity 14:691

Diving deep on the reef slopes in French Polynesia: new insights into mesophotic coral ecosystems | thesis
Pérez-Rosales G (2022)
Theses France / PSL Université Paris
Two new steroid sulfates from a cheilostome bryozoan, Calyptotheca sp. | article
Roy SR, Minei A, Ahmadi P, Hermawan I, Kurnianda V, Dick MH, Tanaka J (2022)
Natural Product Research 36:742–747

The Dasya baillouviana and D. cryptica complexes (Delesseriaceae, Rhodophyta) in Bermuda with three additional new species from the archipelago | article
Cassidy MM, Schneider CW, Saunders GW (2022)
J Phycol 58:731-745

Selective deep water coral bleaching occurs through depth isolation | article
Eyal G, Laverick JH, Ben-Zvi O, Brown KT, Kramer N, Tamir R, Lindemann Y, Levy O, Pandolfi JM. (2022)
Science of The Total Environment

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