Wariness of reef fish to passive diver presence with varying dive gear type across a coral reef depth gradient | article Andradi-Brown DA, Gress E, Laverick JH, Monfared MAA, Rogers AD, Exton DA (2017) J Mar Biol Assoc UK
Carbon and nitrogen acquisition in shallow and deep holobionts of the scleractinian coral S. pistillata | article Ezzat L, Fine M, Maguer J-F, Grover R, and Ferrier-Pagès C (2017) Front Mar Sci 4:1-12
Abundance of commercially important reef fish indicates different levels of over-exploitation across shelves of the U.S. Virgin Islands | article Kadison E, Brandt M, Nemeth R, Martens J, Blondeau J, Smith T (2017) PLoS ONE 12:e0180063
Acclimatization of symbiotic corals to mesophotic light environments through wavelength transformation by fluorescent protein pigments | article Smith EG, D’Angelo C, Sharon Y, Tchernov D, Wiedenmann J (2017) Proc R Soc B 284:20170320
Seriatopora diversity preserved in upper Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in Southern Japan | article Sinniger F, Prasetia R, Yorifuji M, Bongaerts P, Harii S (2017) Front Mar Sci 4:155
Reproductive biology of the deep brooding coral Seriatopora hystrix: Implications for shallow reef recovery | article Prasetia R, Sinniger F, Hashizume K, Harii S (2017) PLoS ONE 12:e0177034
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Lush underwater forests in mesophotic reefs of the Gulf of Guinea | article Morais RA, Maia HA (2017) Coral Reefs 36:95
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40 Years of benthic community change on the Caribbean reefs of Curaçao and Bonaire: the rise of slimy cyanobacterial mats | article De Bakker DM, Van Duyl FC, Bak RPM, Nugues MM, Nieuwland G, Meesters EH (2017) Coral Reefs 36:355–367