CUBA’S MESOPHOTIC CORAL REEFS AND ASSOCIATED FISH COMMUNITIES | article Reed JK, González-Díaz P, Busutil L, Farrington S, Daranas BM, Rojas DC, Voss J, Diaz C, David A, Hanisak DM, Mendez JG, Rodríguez AG, González- Sánchez PM, Fernández JV, Pérez DE, Studivan M, Drummond F, Jiang M, Pomponi SA (2018) REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES MARINAS 38:60-129
2 occurrence(s)
Deep zooxanthellate coral reefs of the Puerto Rico: US Virgin Islands insular platform | article Armstrong RA (2007) Coral Reefs 26:945
2 occurrence(s)
Imaging coral I: Imaging coral habitats with the SeaBED AUV | article Singh H, Armstrong R, Gilbes F, Eustice R, Roman C, Pizarro O, Torres J (2004) Subsurface Sensing Tech Appls 5:25-42
2 occurrence(s)
Prevalent endosymbiont zonation shapes the depth distributions of scleractinian coral species | article Bongaerts P, Carmichael M, Hay KB, Tonk L, Frade PR, Hoegh-Guldberg O (2015) R Soc Open Sci 2:140297
2 occurrence(s)
Photosynthesis and respiration of hermatypic zooxanthellate Red Sea corals from 5-75 m depth | article Stambler N, Levy O, Vaki L (2008) Isr J Plant Sci 56:45-53
2 occurrence(s)
A comprehensive investigation of mesophotic coral ecosystems in the Hawaiian Archipelago | article Pyle RL, Boland R, Bolick H, Bowen BW, Bradley CJ, Kane C, Kosaki RK, Langston R, Longenecker K, Montgomery A, Parrish FA, Popp BN, Rooney J, Smith CM, Wagner D, Spalding HL (2016) PeerJ 4:e2475
2 occurrence(s)
Seriatopora diversity preserved in upper Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems in Southern Japan | article Sinniger F, Prasetia R, Yorifuji M, Bongaerts P, Harii S (2017) Front Mar Sci 4:155
1 occurrence(s)
Rhodoliths from deep fore-reef to shelf areas around Okinawa-jima, Ryukyu Islands, Japan | article Matsuda S, Iryu Y (2011) Mar Geol 282:215-230
1 occurrence(s)
Population connectivity of the plating coral Agaricia lamarcki from southwest Puerto Rico | article Hammerman NM, Rivera-Vicens RE, Galaska MP, Weil E, Appeldoorn RS, Alfaro M, Schizas NV (2018) Coral Reefs 37:183-191
1 occurrence(s)
Conventional and technical diving surveys reveal elevated biomass and differing fish community composition from shallow and upper mesophotic zones ... | article Muñoz RC, Buckel CA, Whitfield PE, Viehman S, Clark R, Taylor JC, Degan BP, Hickerson EL (2017) PLoS ONE 12:e0188598
1 occurrence(s)