Mesophotic Coral Ecosystems – potential candidates as essential fish habitat and habitat areas of particular concern | report Blyth-Skyrme VJ, Rooney JJ, Parrish FA, Boland RC (2013)
2 occurrence(s)
Compound-specific isotopic analysis of amino acids reveals dietary changes in mesophotic coral-reef fish | article Bradley CJ, Longenecker K, Pyle RL, Popp BN (2016) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 558:65-79
1 occurrence(s)
Species identity and depth predict bleaching severity in reef-building corals: shall the deep inherit the reef? | article Muir PR, Marshall PA, Abdulla A, Aguirre JD (2017) Proc R Soc B
1 occurrence(s)
Acropora tenella, a zooxanthellate coral extending to 110-m depth in the northern Coral Sea | article Muir PR, Pichon M, Squire L, Wallace CC (2018) Mar Biodiv
1 occurrence(s)
Ecophysiology of mesophotic reef‐building corals in Hawai‘i is influenced by symbiont–host associations, photoacclimatization, trophic plasticity, ... | article Padilla‐Gamiño JL, Roth MS, Rodrigues LJ, Bradley CJ, Bidigare RR, Gates RD, Smith CM, Spalding HL (2019) Limnol Oceanogr 00:1-16
1 occurrence(s)
CUBA’S MESOPHOTIC CORAL REEFS AND ASSOCIATED FISH COMMUNITIES | article Reed JK, González-Díaz P, Busutil L, Farrington S, Daranas BM, Rojas DC, Voss J, Diaz C, David A, Hanisak DM, Mendez JG, Rodríguez AG, González- Sánchez PM, Fernández JV, Pérez DE, Studivan M, Drummond F, Jiang M, Pomponi SA (2018) REVISTA DE INVESTIGACIONES MARINAS 38:60-129
1 occurrence(s)
Diversity of Scleractinia and Octocorallia in the mesophotic zone of the Great Barrier Reef, Australia | article Bridge TCL, Fabricius KE, Bongaerts P, Wallace CC, Muir PR, Done TJ, Webster JM (2012) Coral Reefs 31:179-189
1 occurrence(s)
Generalist dinoflagellate endosymbionts and host genotype diversity detected from mesophotic (67-100 m depths) coral Leptoseris | article Chan YL, Pochon X, Fisher MA, Wagner D, Concepcion GT, Kahng SE, Toonen RJ, Gates RD (2009) BMC Ecol
1 occurrence(s)
Efficient light harvesting in deep-water zooxanthellate corals | article Kahng SE, Hochberg EJ, Apprill A, Wagner D, Luck DG, Perez D, Bidigare RR (2012) Mar Ecol Prog Ser 455:65-77
1 occurrence(s)
A comprehensive investigation of mesophotic coral ecosystems in the Hawaiian Archipelago | article Pyle RL, Boland R, Bolick H, Bowen BW, Bradley CJ, Kane C, Kosaki RK, Langston R, Longenecker K, Montgomery A, Parrish FA, Popp BN, Rooney J, Smith CM, Wagner D, Spalding HL (2016) PeerJ 4:e2475
1 occurrence(s)